Andy Cerier's Photo Page


Dayton Hamvention
Mid May 2003
Early May 2003
Scottsdale & Tucson AZ
Mid March 2003
Our beloved Rascal
March 2003


Hillel's 40th birthday party
(mostly flower pictures)
March 9, 2002
Sunday Dinner at Mom & Dad's March 17, 2002
Andy's pictures of Michelle's Bat Mitzvah May 11-12, 2002
Mel's pictures of Michelle's Bat Mitzvah May 11-12, 2002
Eric and Andy go to the Dayton Hamvention and Airforce Museum May 15-20, 2002
Mr. Goodwin's Graduation / Birthday Party June 1, 2002
Andy's 2002 Baxter Camping Trip pictrues August 19-24, 2002


Baxter Boys at Marc's House May 27, 2001
Baxter Camping Trip August 2001
Road Trip 2001 November 2001


Cerier Family Gathering April 31, 2000